4 Emerging AI Tools in the Health Industry

Mehwish Tariq
3 min readAug 24, 2023


The pandemic has created humongous demand in the drug industry and health. Do you know that cutting-edge technology has taken over normal human labor work? The COVID-19 pandemic provided what appears to be the ideal opportunity for AI to show its value by putting unprecedented strain on healthcare systems around the world.

The precision and accuracy in diagnosis and treatment could only be achieved by robotics. The practice and patient care are improving as a result of the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems into medical imaging. Shortly, it is anticipated to further revolutionize the entire industry.

1- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI-ML) refer to the notion that machines can “think” and that they can “learn” through experience. The most innovative and promising AI-ML application is used in newborns — for the early detection of late-onset sepsis. AI-ML disease models can also use biological system data from micro-RNA and “omics” analysis.

Digital pathology uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools to mine subvisual morphometric phenotypes, which may ultimately lead to better patient care. With a focus on deep neural networks, we critically assess various AI-based computational approaches for digital pathology from this perspective.

2- 3D Imaging in Nuclear Medicine

The application of AI has excelled in the domain of nuclear medicine i.e. tasks related to imaging like dose optometry, accurate image, and image reconstruction.

3D imaging has reduced the period and harmful injection traces of isotopes and has enhanced image quality.

3- Telemedicine

According to statistics, 687 million cases of COVID-19 were reported. It created havoc among the masses, and now they are afraid to catch any infection. To enable a synchronous or asynchronous session between the patient and the provider, telehealth involves the use of communication systems and networks.

With remote monitoring, multiple providers over time, and a much wider range of clinical and workflow processes, a virtual care solution is typical. It is essential to keep a safe distance and take care of cross-infection control to prevent yourself from contagious diseases like TB, COVID-19, conjunctivitis, etc.

4- Aptamers in Treating Carcinoma

Cancer is the leading cause of death across the world, accounting for 1.79 million people in 2020. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy are all treatment options for cancer management. Conventional chemotherapy is challenging both physically and emotionally.

But now, with the advent of the digital revolution, targeted cell therapy has been applied in the field of oncology. Short, single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules called aptamers have a high binding affinity and can recognize target molecules through their three-dimensional (3D) conformation.


AI has spread rapidly in various ways, and health will go hand in hand shortly. After major surgery, you don’t have to be worried due to advanced reconstructive surgical aesthetics procedures. What do you think are the merits and demerits of technology in health?

